We are two buddhist practitionners striving since 18 years to establish a small Dharma center in Portugal.

Samten Dzong project is born many years ahead. The concept was to create a retreat center in Portugal to welcome people wanting to go for short retreats and possibly a traditional Three Years, three Months and three Days retreat. it aims to be a gathering center for all buddhists practitionners. Under a lama's guidance, teachings will be given on a regular way all the year long and especially in Summer.


                                After creating Pema Odling, a small center with a 72 m2 temple in the Caribean island of Saint Martin in 2014 wher we used to live since 2003, we settled on a plot of land in Alentejo Portugal, in August 2015, to begin building the center.

Portugal was choosen for many reasons, among which are its climate (winters are short and temperate), the low construction cost, its healthy non polluted environment, a healthy food and overall its inhabitants kindness. Portugal has a very good communication network. One can come from anywhere in Europe in less than two hours for a very low price.

En 2009 un terrain d'une superficie d'environ 10 ha a été acquis dans le centre du Portugal près de Ferreiro do Alentejo, dans la région de Béja. Depuis, une petite maison de 100m2 et un hangar agricole de 163 m2 y on été bâtis. Plusieurs puits on étés forés afin de fournir l'eau, et l'électricité a été amenée sur place par EDP le fournisseur portugais.

"Samtendzong", une association sans but lucratif portugaise a été créer pour servir de base légale au projet. Le projet final étant au dessus de nos modestes moyens, nous avons prévu de le réaliser de façon graduelle en recherchant des aides financières et physiques.

To attain its objectives, Samtendzong Association will organize conferences and buddhist teachings, as well as events and conferences concerning oriental arts and customs.  

The association can organize courses and training on such diverse disciplines as Feng Shui, Chinese and Western astrology, Qi Qong and Tai Chi, massaging techniques such as Tuina and Chiatsu, Traditionnal Chninese dietetics, etc…