Samtendzong through the Vajrayana masters from whom we received our first teachings, that is Kangyur Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche and Dilgo Khientse Rinpoche, pertains to the Nyingma tradition or lineage.

The Nyingma lineage is considered the oldest tradition of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The word Nyingma literally translates as “old” or “ancient.” “Lineage,” in this context, describes the unbroken stream of transmission from teacher to disciple within a particular school of Buddhist thought and practice, from Shakyamuni Buddha until the present day. The Nyingma lineage began with the early translations of Buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit into Tibetan in the eighth century, during the reign of King Trisong Deutsen (710–755). That is why it is referred to as the Early Translation School.

 From the first human Dzogchen Master Garab Dorje who was announced by Bouddha Shakiamuni himself to come after his Parinirvana and was born enlightened in the country of Oddyiana existing then in the North of India. He transmitted his realisation and his Wisdom to many of disciples who attained enlightenment and even realizzed the rainbow body experience within one lifetime. He transmitted his teaching called "Ati Yoga Teachings" to Manjushrimitta who the transmitted them to Sri Shima who transmitted them to Vairochana with the appropriate empowerments and private coaching. 

Vairochana and Vimalamitra translated the utterances of Garb Dorje from Sanskrit to a form of Tibetan language; at one point, Padmasambhawa took also part to  this work. The Nyingma yogis of Tibet then became the keepers and custodians of this Wisdom.

With Chamtrul Rinpoche being our present teacher, we are establishing a link with the Kathok lineage, the Kathok monastery in Tibet being the oldest Nyingmapa monastery in Tibet).

To know more about the Nyingma lineage go there

To know more about Chamtrul Rinpoche go to his Autobiography here

Here is the complete list of these teachers who transmitted the teachings of our lineage beginning with Kuntuzangpo the primordial Buddha:

  • Kuntuzangpo
  • Dorje Sempa
  • Garab Dorje
  • Shri Sengge
  • Padmakara and the 25 disciples
  • The So-Sur-Nup Nyak (families of Great Gurus)
  • The 100 Tertons and others
  • All Gurus of Khama and Terma
  • Rongsom Pandita
  • Longchenpa
  • Ngaripa
  • Pema Wangyal
  • Ratnalingpa
  • Pemaledrel of Longchenpa
  • Trime Wosertong
  • Pemalingpa
  • Dordje Dzin
  • Chöpel Gyatsho
  • Chogyur Lingpa
  • Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
  • Lotrathaye
  • Karma Maitri Kara